Underage DUI
If you find yourself in your youth, gripping the steering wheel, let the thrill and rush of adrenaline not confine you, particularly when driving under the influence of substances. Unfortunately, mistakes are often made, not only by you but also by your loved ones, jeopardizing their lives on the road. It’s crucial to recognize that driving under the influence of alcohol while below 21 years old is a grave offense in West Virginia. To extricate yourself from this dilemma, seeking assistance from a skilled Wellsburg WV DUI lawyer is imperative.
In the state of West Virginia, the legal drinking age stands at 21 years. Regrettably, the age threshold for driving under the influence cases involving individuals under 21 has been raised. However, cases involving young people necessitate delicate handling and empathy. No one embarking on their journey at such a tender age desires to be saddled with lifelong accusations and charges. Therefore, the attorney entrusted with navigating these charges and addressing the needs of young individuals must possess a comprehensive understanding of the law and approach everything with compassion. With Mountaineer Criminal Law Group, you can rely on our team of experts to assist you in vigorously fighting your case and seeking a favorable outcome. Reach out to our Wellsburg WV DUI lawyer now.
Penalties you may face for underage DUI in WV
Are you or a loved one facing the consequences of underage DUI in West Virginia? Look no further than Sean Logue, a renowned attorney with a solid reputation in WV. With a wealth of experience defending clients in numerous DUI trials and district courts, Logue is the name you can trust to help you navigate the penalties associated with underage DUI.
Underage DUI cases carry both legal and academic repercussions. It’s crucial to have a dedicated legal team on your side to aggressively fight these charges. For first-time offenders with blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels higher than 0.02% but below 0.08%, fines ranging from $25 to $100 are typically imposed. Additionally, driving license revocation and suspension may also be enforced. In some cases, the installation of an ignition interlock device can be an alternative to suspension, though it comes with associated costs. With court fees, bail expenses, and the high price tag of the interlock device, the expenses can quickly add up. Hiring a Wellsburg WV criminal lawyer in West Virginia is essential to mitigate such challenges.
Removing Underage DUi crime record
If you reside in West Virginia and are a first-time offender with a BAC level below 0.08%, you may have the opportunity to wipe your record clean once the court-imposed sentence has been served. However, the extent of your BAC level plays a significant role, and higher levels may result in more severe penalties.
Call us
Has your family or a loved one been arrested or charged in an underage DUI case? Facing the law can be overwhelming, but at Mountaineer Criminal Law Group, we have the expertise to handle DUI cases effectively and achieve successful dismissals. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation with our experienced Wellsburg WV criminal lawyers.