How to Get Your DUI Charges Dismissed Through DUI Deferral Program in West Virginia
Being arrested with DUI charges can be a life-altering event. You might feel overwhelmed with the impending events and harassment. You are probably thinking about how you can face future difficulties. The DUI charges and eventual conviction can lead to complete disarray of events including loss of education, employment, and loss of housing. You are probably thinking of consulting a Morgantown DUI lawyer for dealing with the case.
But do you know that if you are a first time DUI offender, you can have the opportunity to get all the charges of DUI in West Virginia dismissed? Well, our Morgantown criminal lawyer from Mountaineer Criminal Law Group can help you with that. And also, for this, you need to participate in the state’s DUI deferral program.
DUI Deferral Program in West Virginia
According to Senate Bill 186, in effect from 2010, the DUI deferral program gives the first offenders a chance to get the criminal charges dismissed while the arrest record gets expunged. Our Morgantown DUI lawyer can help you understand your role in this.
If you want to qualify for the DUI Deferral Program, you need to follow these points,
- To be charged with DUI for the first time
- To have a BAC under .15%
- To have no prior record of DUI conviction anywhere in the USA
- Not having a CDL
- To comply with a breath test when you are getting arrested
Expunging DUI Arrest
Once the charges of DUI get dismissed, you can request the clearance of the arrest record if you are a first time offender for DUI. The prosecution will get the time of 30 days to object to your request of expunction. In this case, the court will hold another open session for considering your motion. Once the court approves, your arrest will be expunged from the records. Morgantown criminal lawyer can guide you through the process.
Consult Us Today
If you are looking for a Morgantown DUI lawyer in West Virginia for getting your charges dismissed through the DUI Deferral Program, then come to us at Mountaineer Criminal Law Group. We have handled numerous cases of DUI and got the charges dismissed. Our Morgantown criminal lawyer will listen to your case diligently and ensure you get the desired outcome. For getting a free consultation, give us a call today.