Human Trafficking Lawsuits

Human trafficking lawsuits in West Virginia

Man trafficking is sadly a reality with which the entire USA is coping for now. Surprisingly, the offenders are not only criminals but several business chains rev up this market. Some of these businesses are airlines, truck shops, classified websites, and hotels. Therefore, these businesses need to be scanned as well when cases of human trafficking are noted as they contribute to this modern-day heinous system of slavery.

At Mountaineer Criminal Law Group, we represent victims of human trafficking who have been subject to sexual exploitation or otherwise. Our Martinsburg criminal lawyer will fight your case to ensure a favorable outcome.

What you must know about human trafficking lawsuits?

State and federal laws allow human trafficking survivors to file lawsuits against businesses that benefit from this terrible crime. Based on the amendment of 2008, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act allows survivors to bring a civil claim against those businesses that deliberately participate in aiding this business and know or should know about the human trafficking intentions before offering help.

The human trafficking industry is seemingly big and involves profitable deals of up to $150 billion a year while sexual exploitation makes a profit of $99 billion a year. If the sources helping and offering aid to these businesses are cut down, the criminals will realize that they can no longer escape from the clutches of the law.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation, and World Without Exploitation, are a couple of organizations, working tirelessly to curb these crimes or reduce the tendency of people to commit such acts in the hope to rescue more survivors to become a part of the mainstream of society.

While these organizations are at work, we, at Mountaineer Criminal Law Group, also dedicate ourselves to holding every entity responsible and accountable for the acts they are committing and getting the right punishment for their involvement.

We are also aware of other acts that when a survivor of human trafficking comes forward to tell their story to the world, about how they survived the horror of human trafficking, it encourages and motivates more victims to come forward in the hope of justice. Indeed, your willingness and intention to come forward and tell the world how several businesses support the human trafficking crime is certainly the first step towards a better future.

What Is Human Trafficking?

In a majority of human trafficking cases, sexual exploitation rightfully gets more attention. However, that is not the end of it. Human trafficking also involves all kinds of inot the end t itself there nethe environmeforced labor, labor at houses and sweatshop factories, construction sites, restaurants, and hotels along with forced sexual exploitation in marriages.

In 2000, President William Clinton signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. This is the first federal law in the USA that addressed modern-day human trafficking. According to the law, the definition of human trafficking is “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person” for labor or sex services through the use of “force, fraud or coercion.”

While it may be challenging to have reliable and accurate data on this crime, some of the cases are even similar to domestic violence which makes it more difficult to categorize. According to Forbes, this is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the USA currently.

The Justice for Victim of Trafficking Act passed in 2015 holds the person liable who receives sexual pleasure from the victims of human trafficking. During the past two years, various websites, hotels and airlines have been sued for involvement in human trafficking.

If you or your loved ones have been a survivor and now seeking compensation and justice, come to us at Mountaineer Criminal Law Group. Our Martinsburg criminal lawyer will help you get the justice you deserve.

Client Reviews

I had hired Mr. Logue a few years ago for my gf at the time for charges she had gotten before I had met her, for prostitution. Big mistake to date her and pay for her lawyer as we didn’t work out but Mr. Logue far exceeded expectations. He got nearly all charges in 2 separate cases dropped for her...


I was arrested on a felony 3 charge looking at at least up to 2 years in prison. County District Attorney didn't want to negotiate. After a lot of hard work, Sean was able to plead the case all the way down to just 90 days jail with a work release. Better deal than I realistically could have hoped...

Former Client

Mr. Logue took our son’s cases on very short notice (the first lawyer we hired wasn’t getting anywhere with either of the prosecutors and had actually turned one of the cases over to the court-appointed attorney). We hired Mr. Logue to go to trial if needed, but he worked with both prosecutors and...

Former Client

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